We support a variety of non-profit organizations every year. These organizations actively help people and also animals and nature. Currently, we fund the organizations listed below, from our editor in chief´s private funds. In the long term, we want to extend such aid to other selected foundations and interesting projects, who can become direct partners of The Ethnologist.

The Big Issue
Since 2015, we regularly buy The Big Issue, which is significantly involved with helping the homeless – people who are in a really difficult life situation. You can also get involved and help, just buy this magazine!
Snow Leopard Trust
Since the beginning of 2015, we have also supported the Snow Leopard Trust. This organization, through the protection of the Snow Leopard (which is on the list of endangered animal species, mainly for the Asian fur market), also helps local rural Mongolian communities to protect their natural wealth and provide help with the protection of Mongolian herds.
The Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund International
Since 2011, we have supported this organization, whose programs include the active protection of mountain gorillas in the Virunga Mountains. Therefore, it protects the mountain forests as well as giving active support to local people, who are vital for this protection. The Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund International has become an important organization providing encouragement to people and promoting the necessity of the protection of forests in situ.